Participation Reception Mechanism

Participation reception mechanism is as the following:

  • All participations will be sent electronically online through the registration system of the forum site, this during the specific dates for entries, an e-mail will be sent to the participant informing her that the registration process was successful and completed for evaluation.
  • All participations will be evaluated by a scientific committee that is determined by the Deanship and the results will be either one of the following decisions:
    • Participation accepted
    • Participation needs amendments
    • Participation refused
  • All scientific committee decisions will be sent to the head of the committee for a final evaluation and an e-mail will be sent to the participant containing the outcome of the evaluation.
  • If the participation was accepted: an e-mail containing the outcome will be sent to the participant including a reminder of the final submission date (this is if the participation was in the form of a research paper). However, only a reminder about the date will be sent as an e-mail if the participation was in other forms. The participation will be inserted in the forum program.
  • If the participation needs amendments: an email containing the required amendments will be sent to the participant with a set deadline. In addition, a second e-mail will be sent containing a reminder two days prior to the deadline. After the resubmission of the amended participation, the participation will be evaluated by the scientific committee and then by the head of the committee.
  • If the participation is refused: an e-mail containing the result will be sent to the participant.

Last Update
12/29/2015 9:53:09 AM